The ‘comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité’ – hearing following admission of guilt – is a procedure designed for culprits who admit to having committed the acts for which they are accused.

It is only possible if :

  • the person who committed the offense is over eighteen year old, ,
  • the person admits to the offense,
  • the offense is a ‘delit’

This procedures obviates a trial..

A lawyer’s assistance is mandatory.

A CRPC hearing takes place in two phases :

  1. Meeting with the prosecutor who, at this time, proposes a sentence. The suspect can then meet priuvately with his/her lawyer and then decide to accept, or reject, the proposed sentence. If the suspect refuses the proposed sentence, the prosecutor informs the criminal court, and the suspect will be re-summoned, and judged in the classic manner
  2. Validation by the court’s: if the suspect accepts the proposed sentence, he/she will then be sent before a judge who will then opt to accept, or not accept, the prosecutor’s proposed sentence. If the judge does not accept it, the procedure reverts to the classic trial form

If and when you receive a summons to a CRPC hearing, you need to rapidly contact a network lawyer to prepare for this hearing. This includes furnishing data on your personal situation/life so that the sentence can be adapted to it.

  • Date 9 December 2016
  • Tags Criminal Law