Criminal Court

It is in this venue that the cases qualified as crimes are judged (ex: rape, murder, assassination, grand theft in organized gangs…)

The trial takes place after the ‘instruction’ phase, and after the examining magistrate has indicted the suspect for a crime to be tried in criminal court.

The notable particularity/specificity of the criminal court is that the jury is composed of professional magistrates (a President and two assessors) and of six citizens, drawn, by lot, from a pool of prospective jurors.

The trial begins with a brief presentation of the facts. The President must present all the elements — for and against the indicted person – as outlined in the indictment.

The accused person is then questioned as to the facts, and on his personality. Witnesses, experts and victims will also be questioned.

After all the testimony has been heard, the lawyers plead: first the victim’s attorney, then the prosecutor (‘avocat général’) and, at the end, the Defense attorney.

Given that sentences are severe in criminal court, it is essential that a Network lawyer assist a defendant.

  • Date 9 December 2016
  • Tags Criminal Law